
1 min read

xfreerdp /v:<target IP address> /u:htb-student /p:<password>RDP to lab target
Get-WmiObject -Class win32_OperatingSystemGet information about the operating system
dir c:\ /aView all files and directories in the c:\ root directory
tree <directory>Graphically displaying the directory structure of a path
tree c:\ /f | moreWalk through results of the tree command page by page
icacls <directory>View the permissions set on a directory
icacls c:\users /grant joe:fGrant a user full permissions to a directory
icacls c:\users /remove joeRemove a users’ permissions on a directory
Get-ServicePowerShell cmdlet to view running services
help <command>Display the help menu for a specific command
get-aliasList PowerShell aliases
New-Alias -Name "Show-Files" Get-ChildItemCreate a new PowerShell alias
Get-Module | select Name,ExportedCommands | flView imported PowerShell modules and their associated commands
Get-ExecutionPolicy -ListView the PowerShell execution policy
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope ProcessSet the PowerShell execution policy to bypass for the current session
wmic os list briefGet information about the operating system with wmic
Invoke-WmiMethodCall methods of WMI objects
whoami /userView the current users’ SID
reg query <key>View information about a registry key
Get-MpComputerStatusCheck which Defender protection settings are enabled
sconfigLoad Server Configuration menu in Windows Server Core