1 min read
Command | Description |
tree -L 1 | Lists contents of current directory |
curl -s -X GET <url> | Makes a GET request to a webserver and receives HTML source code of requested web page |
curl -I -X GET <url> | Prints the response header of the GET request from the requested web page |
curl -X POST -d <data> <url> | Sends a POST request with data to specific webserver |
wpscan --url <url> -e ap | Scans specific WordPress application to enumerate plugins |
wpscan --url <url> -e u | Scans specific WordPress application to enumerate users |
msfconsole | Starts Metasploit Framework |
html2text | Converts redirected HTML output or files to easily readable output |
grep <pattern> | Filters specific pattern in files or redirected output |
jq | Transforms JSON input and streams of JSON entities |
man <tool> | Man provides you with the manpage of the specific tool |